Friday, 18 October 2013

PLANNING - (PITCH) Feedback on Pitch and how we think we performed as a group...

Group Feedback

As a group at the end of the pitch we were relieved as definitely before the pitch we were nervous and the two groups who we had to follow up were actually very impressive in terms of their pitch and also their method of pitching.

The pitch had started and we slowly started interacting with the class members and teacher and all of a sudden the nerves had went and we were all comfortable with the tasks that we were assigned to and everyone seemed to explain their assigned tasks quite distinctively.

At the end of the pitch I think when we asked if anyone had any questions we actually had quite a few comments saying that our pitch had been very good, but focusing more on the questions we were asked about the Risk Assessment and and we had provided them with the answers they were looking for.

Some class members actually had some significant advice which we were actually very happy about because it pointed out to us some of our flaws in our actual ideas and theories on how our performer (Karma) should be dressed.

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