Thursday, 28 November 2013

PRODUCTION: Reflection on Change Of Locations & Camera Work Errors!

I'm glad to say that our group is now at the point where we are coming very near to finishing our video, and despite the fact that I have spoke about bad weather and problems with filming, I thought I'd dedicate a post to how we overcame these problems and also how we could have saved ourselves time before filming.

Our first major issue was not being prepared for filming in the dark. We had major issues with our base track that we wanted to film at Kings Cross Square because we didn't know enough about filming in the dark. When using lighting, in a lot of the shots, it looked almost as if a spot light was on our artist (Carina), and there was very little footage where the light was positioned correctly on Carina. This meant having to return to Kings Cross to film again.

Also, we noticed in particular with our footage from Brick Lane, we only filmed from certain types of angels and there was not enough movement or change in angle which made all the shots look the same and it was very noticeable when we started editing. Luckily we noticed this quite early in the process of making our video and were able to go back out to our locations to vary our shot types. We also decided it would be a good idea to give ourselves as much locations as possible just incase we were stuck for footage to use, so we decided to try to film a base track in Camden which is a very urban location and fits our theme, video and artist.

When we were at a point where all filming was complete we started to spend our time editing. We noticed quite quickly that we had made the right decision to go back out and film as it was paying off, and looked very good on screen, there was just two locations which let our group down, these were Southbank and Kings Cross. Despite the fact that we had gone back out to film and had decent footage we felt as if there was just too much of a contrast from the mellow settings of Kings Cross and Southbank to the urban theme used in Bricklane and Camden, so we decided to just go with having an urban theme running throughout the whole of the video with Bricklane, Houndsditch and our new location Camden!

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